Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cheese Omelette


3 medium-sized zucchini pill
1 medium onion
½ cup grated cheddar cheese
¼ cup chopped parsley
¼ cup green onions
hot red pepper
1 teaspoon dry mint
4 eggs pill
4 tbsp flour
Salt and black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil for frying

How to prepare:

Wash the zucchini and then grated and sprinkle a little salt on it.
Extract the succulents (excess water) of grated zucchini 
Finely mince the onion and mince green onions and parsley-In
In a bowl placed grated zucchini, parsley, green onion, cheddar cheese, flour, spices, dry mint, eggs, salt and black pepper In and mix well
Heat oil and put one teaspoon of the mixture using a large tablespoon and fry in oil repeat it to the closing Quantity.
The volatility of the two sides to become a golden color and then placed on kitchen paper to absorb excess oil, and provide hot