Friday, April 5, 2013

Grilled peaches with grapefruit dressing

• fruit juice grapefruit, peeled and divided
• 2 large peach vacuum of sowing and cut into 8 slices
• 1 tablespoon of honey
• 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil + additional amount of fat
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 4 cups of watercress leaves
• 3 fruits of green onions, cut into thin slices

1. Heat grill on medium heat
2. Peel grapefruit and then cut using a sharp knife over a small bowl to keep the juice
3. Obstructed cut grapefruit to get rid of excess fluid in the pot and then put the pieces in a pot last
4. Cut peaches into 8 pieces and then brush with oil and grill for 5 minutes until slightly emulsifies
5. In addition to grapefruit juice, honey, oil, salt and pepper, then beat the mixture well until smooth
6. In a large Ainae volatility watercress leaves with grapefruit and peach grilled and sliced ??green onions and marinade
7. Stir the mixture well and then offers