1 Chicken skinned and chopped
2 garlic clove, crushed
2 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoon Paprika
pinch of hot pepper powder
1 teaspoon tabasco sauce
• polishing sauce:
1 tablespoon Ketchup
Few of tabasco
pinch of Paprika
2 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
a pinch of salt and black pepper
• to provide:
1 large potato
leaf parsley
1 - mix paprika, garlic, oil and hot pepper (2 types) and a robe and then Spicing chicken breasts and
leave 3 hours and then barbecue on coal until cooked
2 - mix amounts of polishing sauce and Spicing chicken face before applying directly
Served with potato slices with parsley
1 - put on each slice and paper petition parsley then we cover a second slice of potato and
press them until you are as a single piece.
2 - fried in hot oil and prolific until golden and crisp, then progress.
Amount would be enough: 4-5
Preparation time: 3 hours for soaking
Cooking time: 25 minutes