Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chocolate balls

⅓ cup of stones
400 g of white chocolate, chopped
1 tablespoon butter
220 g of dark chocolate, chopped
1 cup of biscuits, crushed

How to prepare
White chocolate placed in a large pot size.
Heavy stones are added to the pot on  low temperature. Pour hot stones on the face of the white chocolate. Beat the mixture to melt the chocolate.
Add the butter and beat the mixture until it becomes smooth. Saves Ganash in the refrigerator for one hour to two hours, even can formation Ganash to the balls.
Use a tablespoon or small scoop to measure quantities Ganash to small balls. Chinese balls are placed in bread lined Bselikun. Cool balls in the refrigerator for one hour prior to the next step.
Melt dark chocolate in the microwave, and Dip each ball in melted chocolate (graduated balls as easily using Hucktin).
Biscuits placed in a medium bowl and add balls Ganash. Volatility balls even encapsulate biscuits, then placed on a shelf above the plexiglass foil-lined baking tray to dry.
Leave until the chocolate balls held together for about 10 minutes before serving.

Quantity enough: 4 members
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooling time: 2 to 3 hours